Meet Eunice!

Points To Ponder On Painful People…Named Eunice

Archive for January, 2008

But what about the DOG?

Posted by Tiger82 on January 24, 2008

While school district officials are red faced over this little incident, it seems that a week later all has been forgiven, lessons have been learned (such as: don’t answer your husband’s phone calls, don’t yell at a kid with a youtube account, etc) and no disciplinary action will be taken toward any of the parties involved.

HOWEVER, Eunice at the Helter Skelter Animal Shelter is in an absolute tizzy, wringing her hands over suspected abuse of the one party that has been overlooked in this whole story – the dog. She is demanding that the dog be removed from what she believes to be a stressful home environment.

PETA has promised to look into the matter.

Hear for yourself

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But the dog is fine.

Posted by Tiger82 on January 9, 2008

Heartbreaking word out of Georgia today, when it was announced that 24 year old Meredith Emerson, who went missing on New Year’s Day after going hiking with her dog, has been found dead.

Her dog, however, is fine. Eunice is relieved.

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Not Exactly Better Homes & Gardens

Posted by Tiger82 on January 5, 2008

The recent annual Holiday Home Tour was a huge success, with one slight exception. Tongues are still wagging over one particular estate featured on the tour. Coordinators aren’t exactly sure how the home slipped in but what a spectical it was:

Let me explain the lay out of the house.

When you drive up, she has a privatcy fence and behind the fence is cement. When you walk thru a gate to the door, she also has a wire dog fence around the whole front of the house where the front door leading into the living room. But when you walk thru the pricvacy fence, that is where she will let the little dogs out, and the cement is covered with dog poop and junk she has collected from people and companies. There are pallets, empty plastic containers, tarps covered in poop, sheets, blankets, hay and there is just a path leading to the door. There was a swing in the very corner with a cover, like one you would get at Wal-Mart, but you can’t sit on it cause the dogs have tore it up, the cushions.
Anyway, when you walk in the door, it is her bedroom, a closed in room which used to be her carport. Again there is just a path going thru this room into the living room. There are blankets, dog kennels clothing piled up that the dogs sleep on all over the room. She never dusts, you can write your name in the dust. Right in the corner, going out of this bedroom is a dog dish full of food that is always scattered all over the carpet. When you get into the living room, it is one big room the width of the house which includes the living room and dining area and off to the right is the kitchen and if you walk thru the kitchen, it is the utility room. There is another feeding area for the dogs under a bar separating the kitchen and dining area, there used to be a flat pan, and dog bowl full of food, which was usually scattered all over the floor. Right by the bar is the back door leading out to the back yard. The screen door is tore up by the dogs. Right at the back door is a brick f ireplace with a brick (I don’t know what you call it) but the whole length of the floor is a brick step kind of thing. Anyway, at the end of this brick is her computer, and the whole brick is covered in papers stacked up, dust, I don’t think she has ever cleaned the brick. Then there are blankets in front of the brick where the dogs pile up and sleep. In the living room, you can’t sit on the couch cause it is covered in dog hair. Anyway, this whole area is used as a dog bathroom. Then you go down the hall, the first door on the right is a bathroom, this is actually 2 very small areas, you walk in and it is the sink counter, and you walk thru and then you have the comode and shower. Under the vanity it is full of dirty clothes where the dogs also sleep. The dogs sleep on their clothes until she washes. The first door on the left in the hall is a bedorrm, no furniture, she has plastic containers in this room and bags of dog and cat food stacked to the ceiling. No joke, literally s tac ked to the ceiling. You can’t even walk in this room. You literally have to climb over the bags of food, litter, and cedar chips. Then the last room on the left in the hall, well, hubby keeps all kinds of tools in this room. It is a work room, nuts, bolts, power tools, regular tool. ect. Then the last room on the right is a bedroom, in this room is a bed. The last time I was up there, the dogs or cats, broke something big and there was glass all over the place, there was poop all over in this room too, under the bed, everything. The reason I know this is because when I had to go up there to get one of my Chihuahuas, she had located herself under this bed and wouldn’t come out. When E tried to get her out, she would try to bite E. Then in this bedroom, is a bathroom. E stacks kitty litter in the bathtub of this bathroom. She also had about 4 different litter boxes in this bathroom. It would have been a nice house if it had been taken care of, but when they move, nobody will be able to l ive there. The stink itself is so bad. In the winter, she keeps the house closed up and the smell when you walk in will knock you over. Now, this is what it looked like the last time I was there. I don’t know if any of it has changed, but I doubt it has changed much, if any. So now you know the lay out of her house.

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