Meet Eunice!

Points To Ponder On Painful People…Named Eunice

O.J. …meet Eunice

Posted by Tiger82 on November 22, 2006

Now that the O.J. – Regen Books – Fox TV deal has fallen apart, the publisher surely must be feeling the hit. All those dollars – read blood money – lost. But have no fear Regen Books! There is a way out of this! There’s still time to recoup those lost dollars.

If you think the O.J. story makes for fine reading amongst the bottom feeder set, then you gotta meet Eunice! She swears she’s innocent too! And like O.J. she loves to hear herself talk and she’ll say or do just about anything as long as there’s an easy buck in it. Luckily, her price is much lower than O.J.’s.

There’s certainly enough there to fill a book and then some. Her imagination is never lacking. Although, you might have a bit of a problem properly categorizing the book. Is it fiction, non-fiction, sci-fi, memoir, psychological thriller? It certainly would be humorous and yet sad at the same time. No problem, your people can certainly work all that out.

And as far as TV goes – she’d make great TV, as they say. Like those Jerry Springer train wreck free-for-alls, bottom feeders would eat this stuff up! The same people who think Kevin Federline is actually talented would fall hard for our little protagonist!

And it would certainly work well during the holiday scheduling. Who wouldn’t want to curl up with a cup of hot chocolate to see Eunice running around trying to rescue the reindeer? I’m telling you, this is TV the way TV should be!

It’s the kind of story that reminds us once and far all that as bad as we might think we have it, we’ll never have it as bad as Eunice!

So come on Regen Books, have your people contact my people. Let’s talk turkey. Help me help you. And may God help Eunice!

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